IPTV-Piraten freigesprochen: Gerichte entscheiden, dass die private Nutzung illegaler Abos keine schwere Straftat ist.Der Artikel IPTV-Piraten freigesprochen: Privatnutzung ist keine Straftat! erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Solarmodule als Einfallstor für Hacker: Kritische Infrastrukturen wie das europäische Stromnetz sind extrem anfällig für Solar-Hacks.Der Artikel Das europäische Stromnetz hacken ist einfacher als ihr denkt erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Beim PayPal-Betrug per Gastkonto missbrauchen Kriminelle fremde IBAN für eigene Einkäufe. Davor warnt aktuell die Verbraucherzentrale.Der Artikel PayPal-Betrug per Gastkonto: Kriminelle nutzen Bezahlen mit fremden Kontodaten erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Die Illusion vom sicheren Smartphone ist längst passé. Dank forensischer Tools wie Cellebrite gibt es keinen Schutz und keine Sicherheit!Der Artikel Es gibt keinen Schutz! Warum kein Smartphone wirklich sicher ist erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Achtung Phishing-Welle!! Gut gemachte Phishing-E-Mails zielen auf Ledger-Recovery-Phrasen ab. So schützt ihr eure Krypto-Wallet.Der Artikel Ledger-Phishing-Kampagne: Fake E-Mail will an eure Krypto-Wallets erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Facebook-Datenleck: Die irische Datenschutzbehörde verhängt eine 251 Millionen Euro Strafe gegen Meta wegen massiver Sicherheitsverstöße.Der Artikel Nächste Strafe für Meta: 251 Millionen Euro wegen Sicherheitslücke erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Massenüberwachung statt Datenschutz? EU-Überwachungspläne stoßen bei Bürgerrechtsgruppen zu Recht auf scharfe Kritik.Der Artikel Zwischen Sicherheit und Überwachung: Europas Dilemma erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Nintendo kämpft vor Gericht gegen den Switch-Piraten EveryGameGuru - doch die Zustellung der Klage erweist sich als schwierig.Der Artikel Switch-Pirat EveryGameGuru untergetaucht, Nintendo am Verzweifeln erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Die Reform des Jugendmedienschutz-Vertrags bringt mit einem Beschluss der Bundesländer den lange geplanten Porno-Filter für Betriebssysteme.Der Artikel Porno-Filter für Betriebssysteme: Bundesländer beschließen Jugendschutzvorrichtung erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Die EU-Verordnung "MiCA" verändert den europäischen Kryptomarkt: Welche Regeln ab 2025 für Wallets ohne KYC gelten und was ihr beachten müsstDer Artikel MiCA Wallets ohne KYC: Welche Regeln gelten ab 2025? erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...DNS-Blockaden weltweit: Wie der Konflikt zwischen Canal+ und Quad9 die Zukunft der Netzneutralität prägen könnte.Der Artikel Quad9 bittet um Hilfe: Rechtsstreit um DNS-Sperren eskaliert erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Rydox, ein Crime-Market für persönliche Daten und Hackertools, wurde geschlossen. Drei Administratoren stehen nun vor Gericht.Der Artikel Cybercrime-Marktplatz Rydox beschlagnahmt – drei Verhaftungen erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...In Belgien lebende IPTV-Verkäufer sind aufgeflogen. Gemäß BREIN verkauften sie illegale Abonnements an niederländische Verbraucher.Der Artikel IPTV-Verkäufer aufgeflogen: BREIN geht gegen illegale IPTV-Abonnements vor erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...KI-Technologien bieten Vorteile, bringen aber auch Risiken für die Privatsphäre mit sich. Wie sammeln Chatbots Daten, was kann man tun?Der Artikel Die Schattenseiten von KI: Was wissen Chatbots über uns, und wie können wir uns schützen? erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Chatgruppen als Plattform für Gewalt: Warum Online-Freundschaften oft unterschätzt werden und welche Gefahren im Verborgenen lauern.Der Artikel Digitale Gewalt in Chat-Gruppen: Immer mehr Minderjährige werden zu Opfern erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Schlag gegen DDoS-Dienste: Ermittler legen 27 Plattformen lahm und verhaften Administratoren. Operation PowerOFF zeigt Wirkung!Der Artikel DDoS-for-Hire-Plattformen abgeschaltet: Operation PowerOFF ein voller Erfolg erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Gleich mehrere Release Groups haben das lang erwartete PC-Spiel "Indiana Jones und der Große Kreis" illegal in Umlauf gebracht.Der Artikel Indiana Jones und der Große Kreis gecrackt: das Szene-Drama erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Weihnachtsdeal bei hide.me: Premium-VPN schon ab 2,39 €/Monat! Privatsphäre, Anonym surfen, Geoblocking umgehen. Jetzt zugreifen!Der Artikel Weihnachtsangebot von hide.me: VPN-Schutz unschlagbar günstig erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Kritische Sicherheitslücke im Dell Power Manager entdeckt. Jetzt Version 3.17 installieren, um euer System vor Schadcode zu schützen!Der Artikel Sicherheitslücke im Power Manager: Dell rät zu sofortigem Update erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Der von der Verbraucherzentrale bereitgestellte Fakeshop-Finder hilft Verbrauchern dabei, gefälschte Internet-Shops besser zu erkennen.Der Artikel Fakeshop-Finder bietet Hilfe beim Enttarnen von Fakeshops erschien zuerst auf TARNKAPPE.INFO
Read more...Red Hat Product Security has joined forces with other security teams inside Red Hat to publish our content in a common venue using the Security channel of the Red Hat Blog.This move provides a wider variety of important Security topics,[…]
Read more...Red Hat Product Security has transitioned from using its old 1024-bit DSA OpenPGP key to a new 4096-bit RSA OpenPGP key.This was done to improve the long-term security of our communications with our customers and also to meet current key[…]
Read more...As part of Red Hat's commitment to product security we have developed a tool internally that can be used to scan for variant 1 SPECTRE vulnerabilities. As part of our commitment to the wider user community, we are introducing this[…]
Read more...Last week, a vulnerability (CVE-2018-10892) that affected CRI-O, Buildah, Podman, and Docker was made public before some affected upstream projects were notified. We regret that this was not handled in a way that lives up to our own standards around[…]
Read more...This year’s Red Hat Summit will be held on May 8-10 in beautiful San Francisco, USA.Product Security will be joining many Red Hat security experts in presenting and assisting subscribers and partners at the show.Here is a sneak peek at[…]
Read more...Google has announced that on April 30, 2018, Chrome will:“...require that all TLS server certificates issued after 30 April, 2018 be compliant with the Chromium CT Policy. After this date, when Chrome connects to a site serving a publicly-trusted certificate[…]
Read more...For those who aren’t familiar with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), it is the standard that is intended to protect our credit card data as it flows between systems and is stored in company databases.PCI-DSS requires that all[…]
Read more...It is a tale as old as time.Developers and security personnel view each other withsuspicion.The perception is that a vast gulf of understanding and ability lies between the two camps.“They can’t possibly understand what it is to do my job!”[…]
Read more...Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) is a commonly used host for Restful webservices. A powerful but potentially dangerous feature of Restful webservices on JBoss EAP is the ability to accept any media type. If not configured to accept[…]
Read more...Today, a security issue called BlueBorne was disclosed, a vulnerability that could be used to attack sensitive systems via the Bluetooth protocol. Specifically, BlueBorne is a flaw where a remote (but physically quite close) attacker could get root on a[…]
Read more...Security issues were discovered in Chromium which could result in the execution of arbitrary code, denial of service, or information disclosure.
Read more...A buffer overflow was discovered in the vhost code of DPDK, a set of libraries for fast packet processing, which could result in denial of service or the execution of arbitrary code by malicious guests/containers.
Read more...Antonio Morales reported an integer overflow vulnerability in the memory allocator in the Core GStreamer libraries, which may result in denial of service or potentially the execution of arbitrary code if a malformed media file is processed.
Read more...Multiple multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in plugins for the GStreamer media framework and its codecs and demuxers, which may result in denial of service or potentially the execution of arbitrary code if a malformed media file is opened.
Read more...A security vulnerability was discovered in Smarty, a template engine for PHP, which could result in PHP code injection. For the stable distribution (bookworm), this problem has been fixed in
Read more...Security issues were discovered in Chromium which could result in the execution of arbitrary code, denial of service, or information disclosure.
Read more...Multiple security vulnerabilities were discovered in python-aiohttp, a HTTP client/server for asyncio, which could result in denial of service, directory traversal, CRLF injection or request smuggling.
Read more...Brian Ristuccia discovered that in ProFTPD, a powerful modular FTP/SFTP/FTPS server, supplemental group inheritance grants unintended access to GID 0 because of the lack of supplemental groups from mod_sql.
Read more...Two security vulnerabilities were discovered in Smarty, a template engine for PHP, which could result in PHP code injection or cross-site scripting.
Read more...Sage McTaggart discovered an authentication bypass in radosgw, the RADOS REST gateway of Ceph, a distributed storage and file system. For the stable distribution (bookworm), these problems have been fixed in
Read more...
The writing's on the wall. Joomla 4 and 5 are failed CMS releases. They account for around 0.3% of ALL Joomla sites according to W3Techs (https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-joomla). Joomla's official stats (which were introduced near the end of life of Joomla 3[…]
Read more...K2 is the popular powerful content extension for Joomla with CCK-like features. It provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments),[…]
Read more...Today we're launching Quick Menu, a new free admin module for Joomla 4 which adds a handy top-side (desktop) or bottom-side (mobile) menu in the Joomla 4 backend. The purpose of Quick Menu is to restore UX sanity & reduce[…]
Read more...Quick Menu (by JoomlaWorks) is a Joomla 4 administrator module which adds a handy quick menu to the Joomla 4 backend to restore UX sanity! FEATURES Less clicks to important content management and admin tasks in the Joomla 4 backend...[…]
Read more...Adding image galleries inside your Joomla articles has never been easier! Using the "Simple Image Gallery PRO" extension from JoomlaWorks you can quickly display a folder of images on your server as a stylish image gallery within any Joomla article,[…]
Read more...Disqus Comments (for Joomla) integrates the Disqus comments system & service into any Joomla based website. Disqus (pronounced 'discuss') is a service and tool for web comments and discussions - currently the most popular comments-as-a-service provider worldwide. It makes commenting[…]
Read more...K2 v2.11 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This release adds new features, improves existing features, resolves various bugs and adds PHP 8 compatibility. If you're also wondering what's up with Joomla 4, read on... First[…]
Read more...Adding RSS/Atom syndicated content inside your Joomla website is now super-easy and simple with the 'Simple RSS Feed Reader' module from JoomlaWorks. All you have to do is add a few feeds to the module parameters, publish the module in[…]
Read more...Adding image galleries inside your Joomla articles is now super-easy and simple, using the magical "Simple Image Gallery" plugin for Joomla. The plugin can turn any folder of images located inside your Joomla website into a grid-style image gallery with[…]
Read more...AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) is the universal media player for Joomla and a classic must-have extension for any Joomla based website. Use the plugin to easily embed video & audio content from all major 3rd party media providers (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion,[…]
Read more...SocialConnect is the only Joomla extension that allows you to integrate your Joomla site with social networks and identity providers for user authentication, posting content directly to social networks and 3rd-party comment system integration. Features Let your users register to[…]
Read more...Now fully responsive & Joomla 1.5 - 3.x compatible! Frontpage SlideShow is the easiest & most eye-catching way to display your featured articles or products in your Joomla website. It creates an uber cool slideshow with text snippets laying on[…]
Read more...Simple Image Gallery (free) version 4.2 is now available to download. This is a maintenance release. Here's what's been added or changed in Simple Image Gallery (free) with the release of v4.2: Resolves fatal PHP error in Joomla 4 caused[…]
Read more...Simple Image Gallery Pro v3.9.1 is now available to download for subscribers. This is a minor bug-fix release following the release of version 3.9.0 a couple weeks ago. For a detailed look on the new features and changes in v3.9.0,[…]
Read more...Simple Image Gallery Pro v3.9.0 is now available to download for subscribers. It's both a bug-fix and new feature release. Here's what's been added or changed in Simple Image Gallery Pro with the release of v3.9.0: SIGPro will now read[…]
Read more...Today we're releasing version 3.9.0 of the Simple RSS Feed Reader module. This is a bugfix release. Here's what's been added or changed (in more detail) with the release of v3.9.0: Fix the installer for Joomla 3.x on new installations.[…]
Read more...Today we're releasing version 3.8.0 of the Simple RSS Feed Reader module. This new release brings back Joomla 1.5 support (by popular request), it introduces a new sub-template & changes the remote image resizing service from Mobify to Images.weserv.nl. Here's what's[…]
Read more...The performance of the default article system in Joomla really sucks big time, that's a well know fact. It''s actually one of the reasons we built K2 in the first place. And as we venture into Joomla 4 territory, instead[…]
Read more...A plugin for supporting K2 in sh404SEF.Use the plugin to configure K2 URLs when using sh404SEF in a multitude of options.Unlike the previous built-in implementation for sh404SEF, this new plugin provides new URL manipulation options and it has dual compatibility[…]
Read more...The K2 Plugin for sh404SEF version 1.6.0 is now available to download for subscribers. This is a bug fix release that addresses compatibility with K2 v2.10.3+ and improves support for PHP 7.x in general. Here's what's been added or changed in the K2[…]
Read more...Simple Image Gallery Pro v3.8.0 is now available to download for subscribers. This new release improves upon existing features, extends Flickr support to galleries (beyond albums/sets) and adds PHP 7.4 & Postgres compatibility. Here's what's been added or changed in Simple[…]
Read more...K2 v2.10.3 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This is a maintenance & bugfix release, which refines the backend user interface (building upon the changes that were introduced with v2.10.0 to v2.10.2), improves client-size (frontend) caching & resolves broken auto-generated feeds[…]
Read more...K2 v2.10.2 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This is a maintenance & security release: it concludes the backend user interface changes that were introduced with v2.10.0 and is now 100% mobile-friendly and it also addresses[…]
Read more...As we're preparing to launch a new website for getk2.org, we have decided to make an important change in the K2 Extensions Directory (KED). We stopped accepting new entries for templates in the KED about 2 weeks ago and this[…]
Read more...K2 v2.10.1 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This is a maintenance release that addresses a few bugs that were introduced with v2.10.0 released a couple weeks ago and we urge everyone using v2.10.0 to[…]
Read more...K2 v2.10.0 is now available to download for Joomla versions 1.5 to 3.x. This release introduces a refreshed backend design as well as feature improvements or additions (like Google Structured Data) and as always, performance improvements everywhere.To install K2 for[…]
Read more...K2 v2.9.0 is now available to download for Joomla 1.5 to 3.x. In short, this release improves compatibility with the latest releases of Joomla 3.8.x & improves frontend performance overall.To install K2 for the first time or update your existing[…]
Read more...K2 v2.8.0 is now available to download for Joomla 1.5 to 3.x. This release improves the content management workflow and UI, is fully compatible with PHP 7.x and the latest Joomla 3.7.x, while at the same time addressing various issues from[…]
Read more...K2 v2.7.1 is now available to download for Joomla 1.5 to 3.x. This is a minor release addressing various issues from performance to UI, to bug fixes and security.To install K2 for the first time or update your existing K2[…]
Read more...Start your update engines! K2 v2.7.0 is now available to download for Joomla 1.5 to 3.x. With a new improved user interface for the component in the Joomla backend, updated and now responsive-friendly default HTML overrides, Joomla 3.5 support, PHP[…]